Sunday, 13 January 2008

Lionheart and freespeech.

The right have got their knickers in a real twist over this one. Not so long ago they were complaining about the Lyrical Terrorist (a silly girl who can't write poetry, although it has recently come to light that the young lady should probably have been sacked from her job at Heathrow), but now one of their own is in deep-shit (maybe). The blogger Lionheart is going to be taken in for questioning about stirring up racial hatred when he returns to the UK. I didn't realise that 'Muslim' was a race. I always thought it was a religion, guess I was wrong. (Does that mean that every time I am discriminated against I can claim it is because I am a Satanist in racial orientation? Well, if the muzzies can do it, then so can I.) In all fairness to the Christian Lionheart, Luton is a shithole. But his writing style is so annoying I don't want to read his blog to see if he mentions specific races (like Arab or Kurd, which are races not religions) in his discrimination. He does mention 'Pakistani', but I would argue that 'Pakistani' is a nationality. Pakistan has not been a country long enough to evolve a specific race of Pakistanis. In a free society, it wouldn't make any difference if he was being racist, complaining about a religion or complaining about somebody's nationality because none of these things would be a crime when written about. He is one person within a loosely-connected network of right-wing bloggers. Honestly, they are not going to fly from all corners of the world to wage war on Luton's Pakistani community (that would be a crime). So the young man is going to be arrested for writing down his thoughts and sharing them on-line. Lionheart is the fourth person to escape the gas chambers (please note the NHS dentist is being sent to the Tower for torture).

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