Thursday 29 November 2007

Now it gets personal.

All I wanted for lunch was a tin of tomatoes with some toast. Is that so much to ask for? Well, I guess that ASDA think so. On trying to open a tin of Smart Price Chopped Tomatoes (which ASDA doesn't sell on their website), I discovered that for the third day running, the fucking tin would just not open. It is not a problem with my tin opener, because each day I used a different one. It is a problem with the tins themselves. This is not the first problem I have had with Walmart, or their shitty products and it probably won't be the last. I would shop somewhere else but as Walmart and Tesco seem intent on trying to take over the world I'm stuck with shopping at one of the two because there is nowhere else. Gas chambers for Walmart and Tesco.

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