Sunday 25 May 2008

Right wing Americans

When I directed the lack of a sense of humour comment at right wing Americans the other day, it turns out I was wrong, some of them do have a sense of humour. They can be found at The People's Cube. I have probably just been spending too much time at Gates of Vienna, who sometimes appear as if they have sticks up their arse. Some people may be under the false impression that Little Green Footballs have a sense of humour, but they are in actual fact just a bunch of idiots.

This does not in any way imply that I hate right wing Americans any less than anybody else. I will, eventually, go into a long rant about them, but right now I have taken way too many pain killers. I just wanted to point out my mistake. Nor am I taking sides on this Gates of Vienna v. Little Green Footballs thing as I don't really care and Little Green Footballs are idiots. I sometimes enjoy reading Gates of Vienna, when I can ignore their blatant Christianity (usually after I have taken too many pain killers for various problems and not to get high, but sometimes painkillers have that effect [or is it affect? - I don't really care]). I will dish out punishments for the right wing Americans when I go into the rant. I will also rant about left wing Americans around the same time, then comes the European politics, or maybe European first - I'm not too sure. I really don't care what sort of spelling/grammar mistakes are in this post, like I said too many painkillers.

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